A number of special lunches will be held during the conference, for delegates to discuss specific community issues and to provide networking opportunities. Delegates can sign up to attend any of the lunches during the registration process (they can also be added to an existing registration at a later date).
Diversity lunch
Monday 6 July 12:00-13:30
The RAS is committed to tackling diversity issues. This session, run by Dr Sheila Kanani (RAS), will examine how the society is working with other groups to encourage people of all backgrounds to pursue study and careers in astronomy, space science and geophysics. Speakers from the Renaissance Foundation and Soapbox Science will discuss how to make science more accessible to diverse groups and widen the diversity of the astronomy and geophysics community. Come along to join in the debate and discuss these issues with other delegates and our distinguished speakers.
Industry lunch
Monday 6 July 12:00-13:30
Astronomy, space science and geophysics have a significant and often unexpected impact on wider society. There are many examples of collaboration with industry, where academics have taken ideas to companies, who then use them for terrestrial applications in areas from healthcare to security.
This lunch will bring together NAM delegates with industry specialists, and provide an opportunity to discuss how HE and the private sector can better collaborate. Prof Brad Gibson (Hull) will open the session with an overview of the wider benefits of astronomy, and Jonathan Smith (Tech-X), Chris Shenton (Adaptive Array Systems) and Caroline Gray (OpTIC Consortium / Glyndwr University) will lead a carousel of discussions on the prospects presented by partnerships between leading researchers and entrepreneurs.
Outreach lunch
Tuesday 7 July 12:00-13:30 - Download the slideshow.
Run by Sarah Jenkins from specialist evaluation consultancy Jenesys Associates Ltd, this session will examine practical methods and approaches for evaluating different types of astronomy and geophysics outreach. Come along to join in the debate and discussion and discover ways of embedding evaluation into your own outreach activities, as well as exploring how the astronomy and geophysics community can best capture the impacts that our outreach work is having.
MIST lunch
Tuesday 7 July 12:00-13:30
Run by the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial physics group. More information to follow...
Careers lunch
Wednesday 8 July 12:00-13:30
Are you a PhD student or postdoc – and are you wondering about your next career move? Come to this session for advice on how to break into academic life, how to get into (paid) public engagement or how to take your skills to industry. Dr Brooke Simmons, researcher at the University of Oxford, Dr Jen Gupta, Physics Outreach Officer at the University of Portsmouth and Dr Christina Blakey, Business Development Manager at Glyndwr University will share their thoughts and give advice on the steps you need to take to get the role you want.
UKSP lunch
Wednesday 8 July 12:00-13:30
Run by the UK Solar Physics group. More information to follow...