Real astronomy research in the classroom with the Zooniverse
Bringing space to the classroom
Dr Jen Gupta
Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth
The Zooniverse is a collection of online citizen science projects that allow anyone with an internet connection to contribute to real research in a variety of fields, from astronomy to zoology. Starting with Galaxy Zoo in 2007, the Zooniverse has grown to involve more than 1.3 million participants whose contributions have led to over 80 research publications.

While education is not the primary goal of Zooniverse projects, they have the potential to be a unique and useful tool for the classroom, allowing students to interact with real research and data. In this talk I will discuss various initiatives designed to help teachers make the best use of Zooniverse projects, including the Zooteach lesson plan directory and the Galaxy Zoo Navigator tool. If time allows, I would also like to lead a discussion on the challenges and benefits of using such projects in the classroom.
16:30 - 18:00