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Title of Abstract
The Herschel census of infrared SEDs through cosmic time
Dust, Gas and Star Formation in Galaxies Throughout Cosmic Time
Date Submitted
Myrto Symeonidis
HerMES and PEP collaborations
Summary (maximum 250 words)
IR-luminous galaxies are the ultimate stellar nurseries and amongst the most massive galaxies at all redshifts. They are thus key ingredients in our understanding of galaxy evolution. I will present results from our work which uses the deepest Herschel surveys of COSMOS and the Chandra deep fields. We have performed a census of the infrared properties of IR-luminous galaxies up to redshift 2 and examined how these evolve with cosmic time. Through careful analysis of survey selection effects, our study has taken place within a framework almost completely free from biases. I will give an overview of our main findings, focusing on measurements of the average dust temperature and IR SED shape and the implications of our results in the broader context of galaxy evolution. In addition, I will review the types of SED models which can best describe the IR-luminous galaxy population. I will conclude by highlighting outstanding questions that still need to be addressed.
date time
Session Time
16:30 - 18:00
Talk start
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A Computational Method for Modelling Chromospheric Evaporation
A flattening of velocity dispersion in globular clusters with Newtonian dynamics
A Glimpse at Strong Gravitational Lensing With The Next Generation of Radio Telescopes
A High-Resolution Radio Continuum Study of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC10
A Luminous Red Nova in M31
A new European mid-latitude high frequency SuperDARN radar
A Remarkable Recurrent Nova in M31: The Leading SD SN Ia Progenitor Candidate?
A strategy for MHD simulation of flux rope ejections
A study of extreme ultraviolet spectral line broadening in solar flares
A test of ionospheric convection predictions from the expanding/contracting polar cap paradigm
Active Region Upflow Plasma, its Possible Contribution to the Slow Solar Wind and the Role of Solar Orbiter
Activity of Kepler's Habitable Planet Hosts
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Codes
Additional acceleration of solar wind particles in current sheets of the heliosphere
Advances in asteroseismology with Kepler data
AGB Carbon Stars from the Catalina Surveys: Probing Sagittarius and Triangulum-Andromeda in the MW Halo
AGN are cooler than you think; the intrinsic far-IR emission of QSOs
AGN hypervariables in PS1
Alfvén waves in the solar photosphere
ALMA observations of 99 GHz free-free and H40alpha line emission from star formation in the centre of NGC 253
An Automated Methodology for Associating Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections during Energetic Solar Eruptive Events
An e-MERLIN Study of Hyper-Compact H II Regions
An improved version of UCL's CMAT2 GCM with meteorological forcing
An Overview of Galactic Chemical Evolution
Analysis of heavy ion SEP events detected by multiple spacecraft
Analysis of oscillations and kinematics of coronal rain observed by IRIS and Hinode/SOT
APOGEE: The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
Application of Generalized Needlet Internal Linear Combination (GNILC) Method for HI Intensity Mapping Experiments
Archaeoastronomy in Practice
Asteroseismology with SuperWASP
Astro Cymru, the Faulkes Telescope Project and Go-Lab
Astronomy delivering a self-sustaining programme for University Recruitment in STEM.
Automated Detection of the Solar UV Network
Automated detection of waves in the fine-scale structure of the solar atmosphere
Automated sun-quake detection and acoustic emission statistics
Automated time domain astronomy with the remote access PIRATE facility
Bar-driven secular evolution: analysing the nature of bulges in double-barred galaxies
Bayesian Evidence for both Slow and Rapid Quenching of Star Formation in Disc Galaxy Populations
Behaviour of the UK geo-electric field during the March 2015 geomagnetic storm
Biochemistry of Icy Solar System Moons
Biochemistry of Icy Solar System Moons
Biochemistry of Icy Solar System Moons
BiSON Performance
Breaking AGN sample paradigms with FIRST/NVSS, WISE and 3XMM
Breaking of rotational symmetry of aligned rotators by hydromagnetic wave emission: How Saturn and pulsars may be linked.
Bringing space to the French classroom: The Paris Observatory’s “godparent” projects
British Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Brown Dwarfs from Pan-STARRS 3pi
Bulk properties of major flares with and without CMEs
Buoyancy Instabilities from Anisotropic Conduction in Stellar and Planetary Atmospheres
Carrington-L5: The UK Next Generation Space Weather Operational Mission
Castalia - A Mission to a Main Belt Comet
Centre-to-limb effects in acoustic properties of sunspots
Challenges facing radio weak lensing
Challenges of modelling the solar wind
Characterising asteroid structure with the Asteroid Intercept Mission (AIM)
Characterising the effects of stellar feedback on the structure of the ISM
Characteristics of solar particle acceleration in a non-flaring active region
Chemical composition of the surface of 67P at Agilkia
Chromospheric seismology above sunspot umbrae
Cluster signatures of ionospheric density cavities: a smoking gun for ionospheric feedback in black auroras
Clustering in Large Scale Galaxy Surveys: AGN
Comet nucleus surface properties in-situ, in the lab and on the computer
Cometary dust properties measured by Rosetta GIADA
Commensal Low Frequency Astrophysics at the NRAO JVLA
Commissioning and early science results from the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Comparison of the CME fronts identified by three different methods in the STEREO Heliospheric Imager data
Confronting Simulations with Observations of Stellar Structures in Disc Galaxies
Connections between CME leading fronts and erupting filaments/cavities
CONSERT at comet 67P/C-G
Conserved Quantities and the Evolution of Perturbations in Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi Cosmology
Constraining the Dark Universe with Supernova Lensing
Constraints on circumbinary planet orbits from Kepler single transit events
Constructing N-body Simulations with General Relativistic Dynamics
Context for Rosetta - observing 67P from Earth
Contrasting cosmological and internal influences on disk galaxy evolution
Coronal response to an EUV wave from DEM analysis
Cosmological Simulations with Self-Interacting Dark Matter
Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution with the new radio surveys
Creating Animated Educational Videos on Astronomical Topics
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope: Overview and Status
Data processing with SunPy: a gateway to High Performance Computing
Data-driven Simulations of the Formation and Eruption of a Flux Rope
Decoding Lights from Exotic Worlds: the ExoLights and ExoMol projects
Detailed abundances for a sample of giant stars in globular cluster M15
Detecting signatures of habitability using transit spectroscopy
Detection of Quasi-periodic rapidly propagating EUV intensity perturbations using SDO/AIA
Developing an integrated analysis approach to explanetary spectroscopy
Diagnostics of Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions
Differences in satellite to ground-based wind measurements - modelling viscosity as a possible source
Differential rotation and radiative equilibrium in the Sun: the radiative zone and the tachocline
Direct observation of the energy release site in a solar flare by SDO/AIA, Hinode/EIS and RHESSI
Directly Measuring Collision Speeds of Interacting Clusters As A Test Of LCDM
Discovery of a neutral gas outflow in a young radio galaxy using the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Discovery of a neutral gas outflow in a young radio galaxy using the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Discovery of WASP-85 Ab: a hot Jupiter in a visual binary system
Discussion on Accelerated Particle Transport and Interactions
Discussion on Solar Particle Acceleration Observations and Theory
Diverse origins of catenae on Mercury (and elsewhere?)
Does gas content alter star formation rate enhancement in galaxy interactions?
Dust in the Metal-Poor Regions of the Milky Way
Dust obscured activity in Lyman-alpha blobs at z∼3
Dust parallax distances to AGN
Dust production 680-850 million years after the Big Bang
Dusting off NGC 4370. A diffuse dust component in this lenticular?
Dynamic tomographic reconstructions of 3D electron density distributions in the solar corona using SOHO/LASCO-C2 observations during solar minima
Dynamical model for spindown of solar-type stars
E+A Galaxies at High Velocity Dispersions
Echo Mapping of NGC 5548 and Zw229-15
Eclipsing binaries, multiples and orbital period changes in SuperWASP
Emission Line Galaxy Demographics in the last 10 Gyrs with CANDELS Broadband Colours
Emission measure distribution maps of non-flaring active regions
Energetics of acoustically active white light flares
Enhancement of hydrogen emission during flare onset and main phase with radiative-hydrodynamic simulations and investigation of their potential for beam diagnostics
ESERO – Tim Peake
ESPAS Data Infrastructure for MIST Scientists
Evidence For Dynamical Heating In The Local Group
Exact Analytical Solutions of Continuity Equation for Electron Beams Precipitating in Ohmic and Mixed Energy Losses
Examining the properties of spiral galaxies as a function of arm multiplicity with Galaxy Zoo 2
Examining the transfer of energy from the solar wind to the magnetotail and its release during substorms
eXeter Radio Telescope at Caradon: Public engagement in a radio astronomy through a UKSEDS project.
ExoMol: Molecular Line Lists for Extrasolar Planets and Other Atmospheres
Exoplanets and their host stars
ExoSim: a generic application for the simulation of exoplanet observations
Extreme Variability and Changing-Look Quasars in SDSS and Pan-STARRS
Extreme Vertical Winds in the Thermosphere: Polar cap vs. Auroral Oval
Extreme weather signatures in cyclotron emission from Brown Dwarfs and exoplanets
Extremely Red Quasars and the Missing High-z Type 2 Population
Extremophiles and defining the habitability limit of life
Facility future – discussion session
Facility update
Faint stellar systems in the outer halo of the Milky Way
Field dipolarization in Saturn’s magnetotail with planetward ion flows and energetic particle flow bursts: evidence of quasi-steady reconnection
Field-aligned currents in Saturn’s magnetosphere: Relationship between Sub-corotation and Planetary Period Oscillation Currents
Fieldwork Issues involved in the survey of Medieval Welsh ruins
Filamentary Structures in the ISM
FILM: Fourier Inspection of Lensing Modes
First Direct Measurements of Transverse Waves in Solar Polar Plumes Using SDO/AIA
First high time resolution FPI and SCANDI observations of the day thermosphere during the eclipse over Svalbard on 20th March 2015
First Results from PEBBLeS
First SCUBA-2 data results at the North Ecliptic Pole
Flare survey for G, K and M type Star
From Dessert to Disc: CREAM and its Role in Unveiling the Structure Around the Super Massive Black Hole at the Heart of NGC 5548.
Gaia Mission, update
Gaia Outreach UK
Galactic Cosmic Ray Modulation Near the Heliospheric Current Sheet
Galaxy Clustering in the VIDEO Survey and Quenching from Infall Processes: What will MeerKAT Tell Us?
Galaxy Zoo: Star Formation Histories of Barred Galaxies using Structural Decomposition of Galaxy Images
Geomagnetic Conditions in Ireland during the St. Patrick’s Day 2015 Storm
Global magnetic field modelling: how will solar orbiter help?
Global MHD simulations of ejections of magnetic flux ropes
Global simulations of Neptune’s magnetosphere using the Gorgon MHD code
Grad Shafranov reconstruction of FTEs observed by Cluster.
Gravitational Lensing with Scalar Field Dark Matter
Gravitional lenses, Central images and e-Merlin
Grid Refinement Criteria for Shock Resolution in Simulations of Galactic Discs
Ground impacts of space weather: data gaps, science gaps and user needs
Gyrochronology of transiting exoplanet host stars
Hack Day Show-off
Heartbeat of the sun derived with principal component analyses and prediction of solar activity on millennium scale
Heating by an MHD Avalanche
Heavy negative ions observed during Cassini’s Titan T16 flyby using the CAPS Electron Spectrometer (ELS)
HELCATS – Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service
High Mass Close Binaries
High resolution Ellerman Bomb spectropolarimetry
High-Frequency Pseudomodes around Active Regions
High-resolution gravity modelling of the terrestrial planets
How do non-potential magnetic fields in the corona change solar wind predictions?
How will Solar Orbiter be used to deliver "connection" science?
Icy structures and terrain in comet 67P
Imaging Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta
Imaging the jets of the naked quasar
Impact and detectability of stellar super-flares on global acoustic mode behaviour
Implementing Radiative Driving in Numerical MHD Simulations of Magnetically Confined Winds of Massive Stars
Implication of Planetary Expansion on Structure, Dynamics and Density of
Improving Solar Flare Prediction by Combining Active Region Classifications
Improving stellar parameters for transiting planet surveys
Increasing activity from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured with the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
Insights into bulge evolution during the last ~10 Gyrs.
Inspiring Science Education
Interacting DM: Tackling the small scale challenges
Investigating light curve modulation due to the Blazhko effect using SuperWASP
Investigating the descendants of high-redshift starbursts
Investigating the Origin of Harmonics in a 230 GHz Local Oscillator
Investigation of Saturn’s Polar Cap Boundary during Cassini’s 2013 High-Latitude Orbits
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a fireball!
Is Jupiter’s mid-to-low latitude ionosphere corotating?
It's not rocket science - or is it?!
Key Uncertain Reaction Rates in Stellar Evolution
Kink oscillations of coronal loops
Las Cumbres Observatory: a global, homogeneous telescope network
Lightning Talks
Liverpool Telescope 2
LOFAR Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) and Faraday Rotation (FR) Inner-Heliosphere Case Studies
LOFAR Surveys: MSSS and beyond
Low Frequency Radio Observations of Bi-directional Electron Beams in the Solar Corona
Lower atmospheric signatures of solar flares
LUCID - results from our cosmic ray detector on TechDemoSat-1
Luminosity and colour independence of quasar clustering
Lunar Geology: Classification and Insights through the Study of Apollo 12 Samples
Magma oceans and mantles of rocky planets
Magnetic energy release in coronal loops: a better way to relax
Magnetic field relaxation and current concentrations in plasma
Magnetic flux circulation at Mercury
Magnetic reconnection in a partially ionised plasma
Magnetic reconnection in Saturn’s magnetotail: A comprehensive magnetic field survey
Making Space in the timetable - GCSE Astronomy as a unique qualification
Mapping 3D Dust with Pan-STARRS 1 Photometry
Mapping of Ice on 1000 AU scales with AKARI
Maps of average ionospheric vorticity ordered by relationship with the open-closed magnetic field line boundary
Matching theoretical predictions to M –σ data
Measuring kink waves in the quiescent chromosphere.
Measuring radio galaxy bias through cross-correlation with CMB lensing
Mercury's 9 May 2016 solar transit - outreach opportunities
MHD and kinetic modelling of particle acceleration during forced magnetic reconnection
MHD oscillations in coronal rain
MKIDs the detector we've all been waiting for
Modelling late-time red- blue line asymmetries in the spectra of core- collapse supernovae to determine dust masses
Modelling Neutral Sodium Tails at Comets
Molecular Line Ratio Diagnostics And Gas Kinematics Along the Disc of Early-Type Galaxies: NGC 4710 & NGC 5866
Motivating Schools to drive an Astronomy Outreach programme.
Multiscale Gaussian Normalisation for Solar Images
N-S asymmetry of the solar magnetic field from polar jets
Near-Earth Cosmic Ray Decreases Associated with Remote Coronal Mass Ejections
Network Analysis of Geomagnetic Substorms Using the SuperMAG Database of Ground Based Magnetometer Stations
Neutron star natal kicks and the long-term survival of star clusters
New Concepts on Surface Structures of Earth, Moon and Planets
New Discoveries from the WASP Archive
New dispersion relation and threshold expression for parametric decay instability
New Light on the Structure and Composition of the Sun
Next Generation HI Surveys
Non-Thermal Emission from the massive stellar association Cyg OB2
Nucleosynthesis in High- and Low-Mass Stars
Numerical and Observational Examination of the Spectral Variation of Extended Coronal Hard X-Ray Sources
NuSTAR's First Solar Observations
Observational signatures of modified gravity on ultra-large scales
Observational signatures of the energy release in kink-unstable flux ropes in the corona
Observations of a coronal implosion in the flare of 19 June 2013
Observations of a coronal implosion in the flare of 19 June 2013
Observations of Jupiter’s Auroral X-ray Emission coinciding with a Coronal Mass Ejection
Observations of radio-quiet quasars at 10 mas resoution by use of gravitational lensing
Observations of the solar wind and solar activity and its impact
Occurrence of Reversely Directed Gravitational Force in the Earth’s Deep Interior Vis-à-vis Internal Features of the Planet
Ogden Partnership Preston
Optical and IR signatures of aurorae on brown dwarfs
Optical Identifications for Herschel-ATLAS Phase 1 and Implications for Widespread Lensing of Sub-millimetre Sources
Optical Monitoring of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries with the Faulkes Telescopes
Outer planetary magnetic fields - Recent insights from Cassini and future prospects
Outflow of Heavy ions from the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
Outreach with a Virtual Reality Headset
Outreach with a virtual reality headset: drop in demo session
Overestimating Eta-Earth: The Importance of Photo-Evaporation
Overview of the Gaia-ESO Survey
Pan-STARRS exploration of Kepler Target Stars
Parameterising the Solar ``Surface Term'' over the Activity Cycle
Particle acceleration 3D current sheets in the helioisphere and corona: theory versus observations
Particle acceleration and transport in eruptive flares
Photometric variability of White Dwarfs with Kepler and K2
Physical Properties of Galaxies at z ~ 1.
Pitch Angle Scattering of Solar Flare Electrons in the Interplanetary Medium: Observations and Modelling
Planck intermediate results. XXV. The Andromeda Galaxy as seen by Planck
Planck observations of diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds
Planetary ices in the H2O – NH3 – CO2 ternary system
Planets Transiting Bright Host Stars with WASP-South
Poster presentation: 'Skyscapes of Clifton Campus Explored with Stellarium'
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster presentations
Poster presentations
Poster presentations
Potential For Diagnosing Red Giant Evolutionary State And Binarity Using Ensemble Asteroseismology.
Probing cold gas outflows in local star forming galaxies
Probing the nature of dark energy and structure growth with 21-cm intensity mapping
Probing the Solar Interior: Solar Activity Cycle Inferences from Helioseismology
Prominence plasma and magnetic field structure - A coordinated observation with IRIS, Hinode and THEMIS
Promises and Challenges of Radio Weak Lensing
Prospects for detecting transiting planets around red giants
Question and Answer session
QUIJOTE MFI 10 to 20GHz Wide-Survey
Radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of HII regions
Radiative MHD simulations of solar photospheric magnetic bright points
Radio as a Unique Probe to Access the Largest Cosmic Scales
Radio signatures of coronal mass ejections in the STEREO era; initial results from the HELCATS project
RAS200: Sky and Earth
Rates of Strong Flares in Kepler Clusters NGC 6811 (1 Gyr) and NGC 6819 (2.5 Gyr)
Re-evaluating Galileo Energetic Particle Detector data by identifying radiation induced detector degradation; use in estimating sputtering erosion rates on the surface of Europa.
Real astronomy research in the classroom with the Zooniverse
Relationship between EUV waves and CMEs for space weather applications
Relationships Between Shock and Fluid Processes
Rotating features in Saturn’s magnetosphere revealed by auroral images
Saturn’s magnetospheric oscillations
Science from an operational space weather mission at the L5 Lagrange point
Scuba2 and Herschel data of pre-stellar cores
Searching for extreme asteroids in the PanSTARRS Survey
Seeking the signatures of cosmology in star formation trends
Self-consistent PIC simulations of beam-plasma instabilities in strongly inhomogeneous plasmas: effects on relaxation time-scales, Langmiur wave excitation and subsequent electrostatic decay.
Semi-analytical dynamical friction models for use with N-body simulations
Sensitivity study of (n,g)-reaction and beta-decay rates for the s-process nucleosynthesis
SEPARA: A 6D AMR approach to free-streaming
Separating weak lensing and intrinsic alignments using radio observations
Shapelets-based source reconstruction of spatially resolved, gravitationally lensed images
Shear Driven Mixing in Stellar Interiors
Short, intense velocity enhancements in fast streams in the inner heliosphere
Simulating early AGN growth at high resolution with RAMSES
Simulating Molecular Clouds with AREPO
Simulating star formation with SPH
Simulation-based integral field spectroscopy studies of high-z galaxies in the E-ELT era
Simulations for a future single-dish intensity mapping experiments: Noise and foreground subtraction
Simulations of Star Formation in Spiral Disc Galaxies
Skyscapes of Clifton Campus Explored with Stellarium
Slow Quenching in Groups using NUV
Small-scale structure of the photospheric magnetic field and its role in flare energy transport
SMILE: Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer
Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Protostellar Outflows: the effect of varying the field strength and angle.
Smoothed Particle Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer
SNe Type Ia in SPH Galaxy Simulations: progenitors systems and the chemical patterns of the host galaxy
Solar Cycle Variations in the Northern Polar Ionosphere
Solar Electron Beams Through the Heliosphere
Solar Energetic Particle transport across the Parker field direction due to field line meandering
Solar Orbiter magnetometer
Solar Orbiter: Update on the Progress of the Solar Wind Analyser Investigation
Solar Orbiter: an overview
Solar Type-II radio bursts associated with CME expansions evidenced by EUV waves
Solar VUV variability of the quiet Sun
Solar Wind Turbulence at Kinetic Scales
Space Camp UK – Engaging children in Astronomy and Space Science
Space Made Simple
Spectroscopic bulge-disk decomposition with MaNGA
Spectroscopy of the hydrogen Lyman lines during solar flares using MEGS-B
Spherical collapse model for adiabatic fast transition models
SSULI/SSUSI Full-Orbit Ionospheric Tomography
Star formation in different environments with Herschel
State of the art and future multi-spacecraft observations of the auroral acceleration region.
Stellar abundances in Galactic populations
Stellar Companions to Southern Exoplanet Host Stars
Stellar population gradients as a function of galaxy environment
Study on the polarization ratio technique for 3d reconstruction of CMEs with METIS
Studying the Cosmic X-ray Background Population with NuSTAR
Sun|trek: Rays of Light
SuperCLASS: A Weak Lensing Study using e-MERLIN observations
Supernova and Explosive Nucleosynthesis
Suppression of kinematic dynamo shear flow
Surface Flux Patterns on Planets in Circumbinary Systems, and Potential for Photosynthesis
Survey of electron flux depressions in the Mars induced magnetosphere and their possible relation to the remnant crustal magnetic fields
Survey of the Plasma Composition in Saturn's Magnetotail
Systematics Correction and Cluster Science with Kepler-2
Teaching Mathematics and Astronomy
Testing quantised inertia on cosmological scales
The 17 GHz active region number
The 17 GHz Active Region Number
The Architecture of the Radio Sky
The Astronomer, the Curator, the Artists and the Gallery: smuggling astronomy into London’s commercial art scene
The British Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics
The C-Band All-Sky Survey
The collisional relaxation of electrons in a finite temperature plasma and the diagnostics of solar flare accelerated electrons from X-ray spectroscopy and imaging
The correlation of SN Ia parameters with host galaxy properties
The curious case of J123642+621331: A comprehensive study of the starburst and AGN feedback present using a plethora of multi-resolution, multi-wavelength data
The curious case of NGC660
The diamagnetic drift of the X-line at the dayside magnetopause
The diffuse interstellar bands: what can we learn from their profiles?
The DiRAC HPC facility
The dynamics and energetics of FR-II radio galaxies
The e-MERGE Galaxy Evolution Survey
The effects of ion mass variation and domain size on octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field generation in collisionless magnetic reconnection
The effects of restricted “EIT wave” propagation on the low solar corona
The energetics of a global shock wave in the low solar corona
The EUV Imagers on Solar Orbiter
The evolution of the cold ISM following a starburst
The evolving demographics of the red sequence since z=1
The fine-scale structure of coronal loops and formation of flare-driven coronal rain
The formation of CO dark gas in Milky Way type galaxies
The future of Jobs – Is Astronomy now the most important subject?
The Galactic Terrestrial Zone
The Herschel census of infrared SEDs through cosmic time
The host galaxies of AGN: are there signs of a connection between mergers, starbursts and AGN?
The impact of halo shape and substructure on weak lensing cluster mass and concentration estimates
The Impact of Lightcurve Detrending on Parameter Determination for WASP Photometry
The Impact of Lightcurve Detrending on Parameter Determination for WASP Photometry
The importance of baryons for precision cosmology measurements
The influence of eclipses in the stellar radio emission
The INSTANT mission
The International year of light 2015 (IYL2015): opportunities & dissemination in the UK
The James Gregory Telescope as transparent observatory
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: The free-free contribution to heating of the circumstellar medium
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): The Tully-Fisher Relation of Galaxies at z~1
The LeMMINGs e-MERLIN legacy survey
The Link Between Solar Flares and Rotating Sunspots
The MACSIS project: hydrodynamic simulations of the most massive clusters in the Universe
The main ionospheric trough in the European sector imaged by EDAM
The Mass of Erupting Flux Ropes
The Milky Way in 11+ dimensions: Gaia's Radial Velocity Spectrometer performance
The National Schools’ Observatory
The National Space Academy
The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS)
The Obscured History of Galaxy Evolution: Resolving the Confusion with the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey
The Ogden Trust Primary Programme
The Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients
The Pan-STARRS1 Surveys
The Phenomena of Celestial Motion - Visualising Spherical Geometry
The radiation belt slot region: A source of energetic electron precipitation in the southern hemisphere polar vortex.
The Rarity of Star Formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies as Measured by WISE
The rate of supernovae in the local universe
The relation between gas, dust and total mass in edge-on spiral galaxies
The Ringo2 Optical Polarisation Catalogue of 13 VHE Blazars
The role of Io in the dynamics of Jupiter’s magnetosphere: A sandpile modelling approach
The role of solar wind dynamics in the control of magnetospheric ULF wave power
The rotation of the carbon star halo of NGC 6822
The Settling of Disc Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 2 from Galaxy Zoo CANDELS: Detailed Morphological Measurements of 50,000 Galaxies
The Short Cadence K2 Results of WASP 85
The Steinhardt-Turok Cyclic model as a comprehensive alternative to the Standard ΛCDM model
The Surprising Diversity of Dust-Selected Galaxies in the Local Submillimetre Universe
The Surprising Diversity of Dust-Selected Galaxies in the Local Submillimetre Universe
The SWIFT code: A task-based approach to cosmological hydro simulations
The System of Cosmos Arrangement - Galax
The temporal and spatial evolutions of H-alpha filament eruptions and flare kernel brightenings in a C-class solar flare
The Thermal Properties of Umbral Flashes
The tidal filament of NGC 4660
The Transient Sky with Gaia: First year discoveries
The upstream solar wind at Venus: The accuracy of ENLIL simulations compared with data from Venus Express and PROBA-2
The Warwick 1 metre automatic telescope
Thermal emission of the hot Jupiter WASP-48b
Thermal infrared detection of cold-trapped volatiles at the poles of airless bodies
Three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of linearly polarised Alfven wave dynamics in Arnold-Beltrami-Childress magnetic field
Time domain astronomy with the Liverpool Telescope
Time variable optical interstellar absorption in the Galaxy – A search for fine-scale structure
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Dependent General-Relativistic Radiation Transport
Time-Domain Astrophysics in crowded star fields. Globular clusters and variable star searches.
Time-implicit compressible simulations of turbulent convection in the interior of a young sun
Timeless Existence
Timescales for IMF By penetration into the Earth’s magnetotail
Timing signatures of the inner accretion flow
To Rotate or to Counter Rotate? : On the Kinematics of Galactic Stellar Halos in the Illustris Simulation
Tomographic Reconstruction of CME Densities in the Ecliptic using STEREO HI1
Tools of the Trade for Archaeoastronomy—a review of selected field survey techniques and data processing methods
Towards Understanding Star Formation Efficiency Across the Milky Way with UC HII Regions
Tracing Star Formation around QSOs with PAHs
Tracking Coronal Mass Ejections through the Heliosphere
Transitioning space weather models to operations at the Met Office
Transmission Spectroscopy of WASP-52b
Turbulence in flare loop and electron acceleration in solar flares
Twinkle - a British Space Mission to Explore Faraway Worlds
Twinkle – a UK mission to engage and inspire through exoplanets
UK Participation in DKIST
ULiS: University Learning in Schools – a Partnership between University Researchers and School Teachers to Improve Student Outcomes
Universe in the Classroom
Unravelling Galaxy Components
Unsupervised machine learning techniques for automatic segmentation and classification of astronomical images
Unveiling the Planck Compact Catalogue of Sources
Update on Selecting the Landing Site for the 2018 ExoMars Rover
Using BiSON to detect solar internal g-modes
Using Spinning Dust Emission To Constrain The Abundance Of Small Dust Grains In Dense Cores
Using SuperWASP Rotation Periods to Detect Young Stars in the Solar Neighbourhood
Using the VISTA Science Archives for variable star and transient science in the VVV.
Wave damping in the chromosphere
Waves in the Solar Atmosphere: reviewing the last few years’ discoveries
Weak Lensing and Modified Gravity: Exploring Degeneracies
What can we do with radio galaxies from surveys?
What can we learn from the EUV Spectra observed by SPICE?
What can we really learn from global 21-cm observations of the cosmic dawn?
What Halo Masses Dominate the Cosmic Infra-red Background?
What is Pluto doing next week?
What prominence plumes tell us about the prominence magnetic field
What Shapes a Galaxy? – The Relative Role of Mass and Environment in Forming Galactic Structure
White Dwarf Luminosity Function in the Pan-STARRS 3pi Survey
Why do Galaxies Stop Forming Stars? – Evidence for Quenching of Central Galaxies via Black Hole Growth
Why the LSST will change astrophysics forever
Young Stellar Objects in the Magellanic Clouds
Young Stellar Objects in the Magellanic Clouds
Zooniverse : Live and Open
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Royal Astronomical Society