Measurements of the Cosmic Infra-red Background (CIB) imply that much of the star formation over the history of the Universe has been obscured by dust. Understanding the nature of the galaxies that contribute to this background is therefore critical to a full understanding of galaxy formation. Information regarding the host halo masses of such galaxies at a given redshift can be obtained from measurements of their clustering, however such measurements are challenging, mainly due to the coarse angular resolution of telescopes at longer, FIR/sub-mm wavelengths. We present predictions for the clustering of galaxies selected by the FIR/sub-mm emission using a novel approach which combines a new version of the GALFORM semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, a Millennium-style dark matter only N-body simulation which utilises the WMAP7 Cosmology, and a self-consistent model for calculating the absorption and re-emission of stellar radiation by dust based on radiative transfer and energy balance arguments. In our model the galaxies which contribute to the bulk of the CIB are disc instability triggered starburst galaxies, which reside in a relatively narrow halo mass range (10^11.5-10^12 h-1 M☉) over a large range of redshifts (0.5
date time
16:30 - 18:00
What Halo Masses Dominate the Cosmic Infra-red Background?