
Prospects for detecting transiting planets around red giants
Stellar, Exoplanet and Galactic Science from Massive, High-precision Variability Surveys
Thomas North
University of Birmingham
The Kepler mission has provided key insight into the distribution and population of planets around Sun-like stars. The story for more evolved stars is quite different, with a limited number of detections or characterisations. Here, we comment on the prospects for increasing the haul of planets around red-giant stars using Kepler and K2 data.
Red-giants are interesting targets for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that their large-amplitude oscillations mean they can be readily characterised.

We validate a simple, physically motivated model to quantify the noise properties of red-giant stars, and then use this model to make transit signal-to-noise predictions for a 13,000-strong cohort of Kepler stars that have already been identified as red giants. We discuss predictions of the fraction of red-giant targets that might have detectable planets, subject to different assumptions for the underlying planet population.


16:30 - 18:00