Impact and detectability of stellar super-flares on global acoustic mode behaviour
Solar and Stellar Flares: observation, theory and simulations
Connor Macrae
Sergei Zharkov (University of Hull)
University of Hull
We investigate the connection between energetic stellar & solar flares and global seismic activity on the sun and other stars. Questions being addressed are as follows: Do periods of intense flaring activity correspond to noticeable shifts in global mode behavior? What about the effect of stellar super-flares, white light flares with energy up to 10^38 erg on solar-type stars, do these show seismic signatures in photometric data?

Using Fourier and wavelet analysis we extract p-mode pulsations and mode amplitudes from time-series observations of sun-as-a-star (BiSON) and Kepler targets exhibiting large flares and investigate their correlation with flaring activity.

We use numerical modelling to simulate the seismic response of solar and stellar models to oscillatory drivers and consider the detectability of the data analysis results which is dependent upon the quality of the time series and the nature of the photospheric impact on the flare hosting star.

Kepler objects of interest are rapid rotating solar-like and M-dwarfs - these stars are strong exhibitors of large stellar flares, making them good candidates for the observation of a starquake.
16:30 - 18:00