The Milky Way in 11+ dimensions: Gaia's Radial Velocity Spectrometer performance
Galactic Chemical Evolution in the Gaia Era
George Seabroke
D. Katz (Meudon, 1), M. Cropper (MSSL, 2), P. Sartoretti (1), P. Panuzzo (1), O. Marchal (1), A. Gueguen (1), K. Benson (2), C. Dolding (2), H. Huckle (2), M. Smith (2), S. Baker (2)
Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), University College London (UCL)
Gaia astrometry will provide positions (2D), parallaxes (3D) and proper motions (5D) for at least one billion Milky Way stars. Gaia's Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) will provide radial velocities (6D) for V < 15 (~60-100 million stars). RVS spectra will help to constrain astrophysical properties (Teff, log g, [Fe/H], vsini, Av: 11D) for V < 11 (~5 million stars). RVS spectra will also provide elemental abundances (11+D) for V < 10 (~2 million stars). Gaia has been operating in routine phase for nearly one year since initial commissioning. RVS continues to work well but the higher than expected levels of stray light have reduced the limiting magnitude and will increase the uncertainty of the astrophysical parameters and elemental abundances. New data acquisition software was uploaded to Gaia on 7/4/15 to mitigate the stray light issue. The status of this new commissioning period will be presented, as well as the latest scientific performance of the on-ground processing of RVS spectra.
09:00 - 10:30