
Luminosity and colour independence of quasar clustering
Wide-Field Surveys and QSO Physics
Ben Chehade
Durham University
We present a new sample of 10000 quasars from 150 deg^2 of the VST ATLAS
survey. We combine 7 photometric bands to perform quasar selection,
obtaining spectra for up to 90 QSO per sq deg down to g eys (2QZ, 2SLAQ and SDSS) we make the
most precise quasar clustering measurements so far. First, we find little
evidence for colour dependent quasar clustering, albeit in a limited
colour range. We further find no evidence for luminosity dependent quasar
clustering from the brightest SDSS quasars to the faintest X-ray selected
AGN in the XMM-COSMOS field, contrary to previously published results.
This latter result implies that either quasars do not radiate at a fixed
fraction of the Eddington luminosity or AGN black hole masses and dark
matter halo masses are uncorrelated.


16:30 - 18:00