
The temporal and spatial evolutions of H-alpha filament eruptions and flare kernel brightenings in a C-class solar flare
Solar and Stellar Flares: observation, theory and simulations
Tomoko Kawate
David B. Jess (Queen’s University Belfast), Damian J. Christian (California State University, Northridge)
Queen’s University Belfast
Recent models suggest that solar flares are initiated by the process of magnetic reconnection. Therefore, understanding how magnetic reconnection is triggered is a very important topic for research areas involving both solar physics and space weather. Filament eruptions and solar flares are interrelated phenomena, with on occasion one event having the ability to trigger the other. While the specific ordering of filament eruptions and solar flares can be reversed, a detailed analysis of these phenomena will allow for the energy release mechanisms to be better quantified and understood. A C3.1 flare on 2011 July 08 was observed with HARDcam at the Dunn Solar Telescope, NM, USA, with the active region demonstrating a distinct sequential series of filament eruptions and flare kernel brightenings in the chromosphere. H-alpha emission during the impulsive phase of flare events often correlates extremely well with hard X-ray sources. As a result, we employ high spatial (0.23 arcsec) and temporal (28 FPS) resolution narrowband H-alpha observations in order to identify the spatial distribution of non-thermal electron precipitation sites by examining individual lightcurves at each position. Through examination of the propagation speeds of the filament eruptions, and by establishing the time differences between the eruptions and associated flare ribbons, we find clear evidence that the filament eruptions directly trigger magnetic reconnection and the ensuing solar flare. Furthermore, time derivatives of the H-alpha lightcurves suggest that the precipitation sites of non-thermal electrons are confined to very localised regions of the flare ribbon.


16:30 - 18:00