
Small-scale structure of the photospheric magnetic field and its role in flare energy transport
Solar Physics in the era of ultra-high spatial resolution: Getting ready for DKIST
Mykola Gordovskyy
V.G. Lozitsky
University of Manchester
Photospheric magnetic fields are very inhomogeneous. Various observations indicate that up to 90% of photospheric magnetic flux outside sunspots is contained in magnetic fluxtubes with the strength of about 1kG, cross-sections of 50-2000km, and filling factor of components, with the weak component of ~100-1000G, and the strong component of about 3-5kG. The filling factor of the stronger component is about 5-10%. Although, it is possible to measure the magnetic field strengths and filling factors, very little is known about the sizes of these intense magnetic fluxtubes.

I will discuss phenomenological implications of our results, particularly, the role of the intense small-scale magnetic fluxtubes in energy transfer from the corona to the lower atmosphere. Also, I will discuss possibilities of direct observations of the small-scale photospheric magnetic fields using Hinode, DST and forthcoming DKIST data.


09:00 - 10:30