Las Cumbres Observatory: a global, homogeneous telescope network
Time Domain Astronomy with Robotic Telescopes: the Science that Drives the Technology
Edward Gomez
Las Cumbres Observatory
Todd Boroson (LCOGT), D. Andy Howell (LCOGT), Tim Brown (LCOGT)
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) is a young organization dedicated to time-domain observations at optical wavelengths. To this end, LCOGT has constructed a world-wide network of telescopes, including the two 2m Faulkes telescopes, and 9 x 1m telescopes, spread across 5 research observatory sites. In this talk I will lay out LCOGT's scientific goals and the requirements that these goals place on network architecture and performance, I will summarize the network's present and projected level of development and recent scientific achievements.
09:00 - 10:30