
Ground impacts of space weather: data gaps, science gaps and user needs
The science of space weather: progressing our understanding
Larisa Trichtchenko
Canadian Space Weather Forecast Centre, Natural Resources Canada
The impacts of space weather on the ground in producing the disturbances in geomagnetic field are well known and well documented for many centuries. Hazards to critical infrastructure, such as power grids, associated with these impacts are well recognised. The research, preparation of regulatory documents and mitigation concepts are under development in many countries, although there are still needs for more detailed understanding of the phenomena, better modelling, higher observational resolution and more reliable forecasts.
This presentation will be dedicated to a detailed examination of the above questions, such as what are the currents needs from the point of view of the operators and regulators of critical infrastructure and what are possible solutions. For example, the monitoring of geomagnetically induced currents over many power grids, installation of instruments for monitoring of the geoelectric fields, filling the spatial gaps in the geomagnetic observations will lead to evaluations of existing models and their improvements. Currently, satellite measurements are used for the international geomagnetic reference field modelling, but have not yet been evaluated for their applicability in modelling of the spatial and temporal structures of the ionospheric sources of the geomagnetic disturbances.
As well, the need for better monitoring of the magnetic field in interplanetary space is clear, and the closer to the Sun, the more advance warning can be possible in the forecasting of the space weather events.


09:00 - 10:30