Bar-driven secular evolution: analysing the nature of bulges in double-barred galaxies
Witnessing Disc Galaxy Evolution Through The Eyes of their Stellar Structures
Date Submitted
2015-03-03 16:42:40
Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres
University of St Andrews
It has been postulated that bar-driven secular evolution processes can be more efficient when two nested bars are present in the galaxy. This hypothesis is as yet not backed by any observational evidence. Our knowledge of real double-barred systems is limited. For the first time, we are carrying out a 2D photometric decomposition of double-barred galaxies to isolate the properties of their structural components, namely bulge, inner bar, outer bar, and disc. The results are being matched with an accurate integral-field spectroscopic analysis of the kinematics and stellar populations of the central regions of the same galaxies. The nature of their bulges (classical vs. pseudo-bulges) is being probed through their photometric and kinematic parameters, while their formation is constrained by the stellar populations study; if secular processes are dominant in double-barred galaxies, a major incidence of pseudobulges should be present. This unique combination of data will provide a comprehensive picture of the evolutionary pathway double-barred galaxies have gone through.
date time
09:00 - 10:30
Bar-driven secular evolution: analysing the nature of bulges in double-barred galaxies