Understanding the physical processes that lead to the zoo of disc galaxies observed in the local Universe is one of the key areas of modern astrophysics. Disc galaxies are complex systems. They are often composed by multiple stellar structures (bulges, bars, discs,...) which in turn are intimately linked to their host galaxy gas content, dark matter halo, and environment. Therefore, an integral picture of the evolution of disc galaxies cannot be achieved by looking only at their global properties, but requires a detailed study of their principal stellar structures and a comprehensive comparison with numerical simulations. Recent progress in the field, both in terms of new galaxy surveys and state-of-the-art analysis techniques, has boosted our understanding of the properties of different structural components in nearby galaxies, as well as in galaxies at intermediate redshifts(z ~ 1-2). Yet the link between structural properties, kinematics, stellar population content and the complex physics involved in the formation and evolution of galaxies is a much more challenging step.
The goal of this parallel session is to bring together a multidisciplinary view (photometry, kinematics, and stellar populations) of the stellar structures (bulges, bars, and discs) of disc galaxies at both low and high- redshift and in numerical simulations.
We aim to bring together theorists and observers to present their research and join the discussion on the following topics:
. Properties of galactic structures at low- and high- redshift.
. Observational evidence for the formation and evolution of cold discs, growth of galaxy bulges and their connection with stellar bars.
. What can we learn from the comparison with numerical simulations?
Combining all these footprints of past evolution will help to provide a coherent picture of galaxy evolution.