Massive, high precision photometric surveys such as Kepler, WASP, OGLE, etc. have been used to perform groundbreaking science in the fields of exoplanet science, stellar astrophysics and galactic structure, amongst others. This parallel session will bring together researchers from various ground and space-based surveys so that they can share their experience, expertise and results, and to discuss future opportunities to pursue stellar, exoplanet and galactic science from surveys such as VVV, LSST, Gaia, Kepler K2 and TESS. This session is particularly timely with several new projects rapidly leaving the planning stages, there now exist opportunities to explore the synergies and learn lessons for projects that have gone before. A particular theme for this session will be how stellar astrophysics advances can help with the full exploitation of PLATO data. The session organisers will consider talks and posters on any area of astrophysics based on massive variability surveys, including, but not limited to: asteroseismology; stellar populations; eclipsing binary stars; transiting exoplanets; transients and outbursts; stellar rotation and magnetic activity; and also talks or posters on instrumentation and data analysis for massive variability surveys.