
Archaeoastronomy in Practice: Methods and Techniques used in Archaeoastronomy
Archaeoastronomy is a field of research that is very interdisciplinary with astronomy being one of many disciplines involved, other examples being archaeology and anthropology. Entering this field might be very challenging, not only given its multitude of approaches and research methodologies, but also due to the scarcity of formal entry qualifications to prepare the young researcher. This session will offer a broad overview on current methods and approaches applied in this field, especially tailored towards the astronomy researcher. These introductions will be contextualized and illustrated within research projects currently being carried out. The aim is to bring together young researchers and students in archaeoastronomy to introduce a wide astronomy audience to current research methods, methodology and technology. It will also offer a forum to inspire future researchers based within astronomy to explore archaeoastronomy and apply their own methods within this interdisciplinary field.

Part of the session will be carried out as an interactive workshop allowing participants to explore methods and techniques together with experienced researchers. The format will be ensure that many different techniques will be demonstrated.
Daniel Brown
Monday 09:00 and 13:30