The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST, formerly ATST) is a 4m ground-based telescope being built on Haleakala, Hawaii, and operating in the optical to near IR part of the spectrum. It will have a diffraction-limited spatial resolution of 30km on the Sun in the optical, and will provide imaging, spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of the solar photosphere, chromosphere and corona. UK science with DKIST will be rooted in our existing expertise in high-resolution space-based and ground-based observations, and theoretical modelling, including high-resolution numerical simulations. Science priorities at first light include the areas of waves and oscillations, flares and solar eruptions, small-scale kilogauss field, chromospheric and coronal magnetic fields. To capitalise on the UK investment on this outstanding facility, we must be ready with new science ideas and observing proposals in time for first light in 2019. The aims of the session are:
Explore the synergies between ground-based and space-based observations
Discuss recent advances and future directions in the areas that demand high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution
Make the community aware of the DKIST capabilities
We invite contributions in the DKIST science priority areas including contributions on diagnostic tools and numerical codes that may be adapted to the DKIST capabilities. The sessions will provide the opportunity for discussion how we can best prepare to exploit the facility to achieve world-leading, high-profile solar science.