Investigating the descendants of high-redshift starbursts
Padraig Alton
Date Submitted
2015-04-14 10:33:59
Durham University
R.J. Smith (Durham), J.R. Lucey (Durham)
Early-type galaxies are thought to form most of their stars in a rapid burst early in their lives, followed by the quenching of star formation; they represent a star forming environment substantially different to that of our own galaxy. In recent years the evidence has grown for a stellar initial mass function with an enhanced dwarf fraction in the most massive ETGs.
It is vital to understand whether any dwarf-fraction enhancement is due to a change in the conditions under which star formation happens. If so, we might expect it to be confined to the central region (where most previous IMF measurements have been made) as this is where most of the stars which formed in situ at high redshift lie. Spatially resolved measurements for dwarf sensitive spectral features are required to test this scenario.
We present infrared spectroscopy from VLT-KMOS of six nearby ETGs, through which we constrain the low mass slope of the IMF in their centres and outer regions.