
Galaxy Clustering in the VIDEO Survey and Quenching from Infall Processes: What will MeerKAT Tell Us?
Peter Hatfield
Sam Lindsay (Oxford), Matt Jarvis (Oxford and University of Western Cape), Boris Haeussler (Oxford)
The VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) Survey is a key survey in probing the "epoch of activity" where galaxies virialised within their dark matter halos and the majority of star-formation and AGN activity occurred. Observing in Z,Y,J,H,K over 12 sq degrees and up to z~4, VIDEOs depth and breadth allows both large-scale structure as well as evolution inside individual dark matter halos to be probed to very early times. Additional information about star formation and AGN behaviour from radio surveys has already proved to give fruitful results in synergistic studies with VIDEO. In this study we have calculated the two-point correlation function and fitted halo occupation models to the galaxies plot in terms of stellar mass and redshift, extracting key galaxy evolution parameters (bias, typical halo mass etc.), giving a good measure of global clustering signal. We have also measured how the cross correlation of low-mass galaxies to high mass galaxies changes with specific star formation rate, giving an indication of how galaxy environment affects quenching. The VIDEO fields will be observed at 1.4 GHz down to 1µJy in MIGHTEE, the MeerKAT continuum survey and possible by VLASS, as well as in the SKA1-mid continuum survey - we analyse and look forwards to how these studies will enhance what we can learn about environmental quenching with the added information on star formation and AGN activity the radio will add to this multi-wavelength analysis.