From galaxies to cosmology: Science with the new generation of radio Telescopes
QUIJOTE MFI 10 to 20GHz Wide-Survey
Stuart Harper
University of Manchester
Currently, diffuse Galactic radio emission is poorly understood for frequencies between 5 and 100 GHz. This is of particular importance for polarised CMB experiments, which require very high sensitivity measurements and very small systematic uncertainties. The QUI-Joint Tenerife Experiment (QUIJOTE) Multi-Frequency Instrument (MFI) has recently completed a 32000 square degree Northern hemisphere
wide-survey of diffuse Galactic emissions for the frequencies 11, 13, 17 and 19 GHz in both intensity and polarisation, at 1 degree resolution. The first maps from the MFI in intensity will be presented alongside the key details of the data reduction methods and map sensitivities. Using the early MFI wide-survey intensity maps and maps from other surveys, regions containing suspected sources of spinning dust emission have been reanalysed and new evidence for spinning dust emission using the MFI will be presented.
13:30 - 15:00