The curious case of J123642+621331: A comprehensive study of the starburst and AGN feedback present using a plethora of multi-resolution, multi-wavelength data
Date Submitted
2015-03-31 08:32:28
Jack Radcliffe
Thomas Muxlow (University of Manchester), Robert Beswick (University of Manchester), Michael Garrett (ASTRON/ University of Leiden) and Peter Barthel (University of Groningen)
University of Manchester & University of Groningen
We present a new analysis of the redshift 4.424 source, J123642+621331, located in the Hubble Deep Field-North (Waddington et al. 1999). Previous studies have indicated the presence of star formation and a dusty, embedded AGN (Muxlow et al. 2005). This was confirmed with VLBI (Garrett et al. 2002, Chi et al. 2008). This makes the object a prime candidate to study the interplay between AGN and starburst activity at high redshift. In this analysis, we employ combination imaging of radio data using the new eMERGE (P.I. Muxlow) survey data (a combination of JVLA+VLA+MERLIN+e-MERLIN) together with new, ultra-sensitive, EVN data. This allows us to obtain radio images at multitudinous resolutions, and grants us a way to map the morphology of the source. This allows us to separate the contributions from star formation and the embedded AGN. When used in conjunction with C-band e-MERLIN, Chandra, Herschel and HST data, we can get the most comprehensive picture of AGN feedback in a high redshift source ever seen before. Maybe it’s not such a curious case after all!
date time
09:00 - 10:30
The curious case of J123642+621331: A comprehensive study of the starburst and AGN feedback present using a plethora of multi-resolution, multi-wavelength data